Find Yasuo builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Upgrade your ultimate when possible at levels 6, 11, and 16.A power spike is when a champion reaches a level or builds an item that makes him a lot stronger than other champions in the game. Making picks or baits around objectives is also easy because of your instant follow-up with R. Your Wind Wall and tornados are also effective in clustered fights around objectives. This could be what you need to get that extra boost to gain serious elo.

For the first Dragon, just look for a knockup on the squishy/isolated targets or to engage onto whoever your team is going after while throwing W (Wind Wall) to protect allies.

OP.GG Extension will automatically set up the runes below. Language .

He has an average KDA ratio of 3.3:1 with a 70% win rate. An early Executioner's Calling can be strong against a Yuumi or a Soraka lane. If you are playing against enemies with high health regeneration, you can build Mortal Reminder. Taste of Blood 52.01% Win 77.09% Pick. Yasuo is the unforgiven student destined to be chased by his own kind. Hard to gank. Consider Bloodthirster if you are very ahead and you just want pure damage and to heal to full health from dealing damage to anything. You also now have E maxed and Q capped, and your ultimate has a 50-second cooldown. Always critical strike each 4 auto-attacks. Language. Having a melee bot with 4 other melee champions can be seriously detrimental if the enemy team has peel and ranged champions. He started playing back in Season 4 when he saw a middle school friend playing League of Legends. Keep in mind that you will need two attack speed items to cap your Q CD if you do not build Berserker’s Greaves. Objective control – Once Yasuo hits level 6, you are able to contribute a good amount to objective fights with his ultimate (Last Breath) being AoE damage, CC, and good range. Reduced healing is always good to have, but If you want to have defensive stats in your build, you can build Death’s Dance. You will deal a large amount of damage and it is becoming harder for enemies to kill you with your third and fourth items at play. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Yasuo.Find the best Yasuo build guides for S10 Patch 10.16.

While getting a lead in the lane is very doable with Yasuo ADC, be mindful that you are still squishy and it is hard to escape when you are pushing.

Build guides for Yasuo on ProGuides. While playing Yasuo on top, in many games, the fact that you have crushed your laner will mean absolutely nothing if your botlane is losing hard, so try to somehow help them out with your Teleport if that is necessary.

Bloodthirster gives a large amount of AD, extreme lifesteal, and an overheal shield. Heal when you damage an … Currently playing with summoner names . OP.GG. Patch 10.16

Similar to Extremely effective poke.

Remember to rate it and share it if you found it useful. Even when you don’t see him on the map, you’ll have to be cautious with Trueshot Barrage at play.

Yasuo build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. This is the perfect time to utilize Yasuo’s strengths and ultimately win the game.Gauge how the enemy bot laners play in the early levels. Become a legend Improved attacks and sustained damage.

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