Christianity grew more rapidly than ever in the aftermath of this trial. Little wonder that the 18th-century English historian Edward Gibbon judged this age the ‘most happy’ in the history of our speciesFive centuries later, the Roman empire was a small Byzantine rump-state controlled from Constantinople, its near-eastern provinces lost to Islamic invasions, its western lands covered by a patchwork of Germanic kingdoms. 1999. The Roman Empire in the fourth century, led now by Christian emperors, enjoyed a kind of second golden age. What’s more, the first pandemic inspired a wave of apocalyptic fervor. Our political language and ideology are suffused with Latin influences like “capitol,” “forum,” and “senate”; the neoclassical style is our federal architecture; our very model of a constitutional republic is deeply indebted to Rome’s example.Naturally, the example of a great, seemingly indomitable power fading into ruin haunts the American imagination. It wasted the population from one end of the empire to the other. and Eiriksson, J. Evidence of 550-year and 1000-year cyclicities in North Atlantic circulation patterns during the Holocene. A paleoclimate record of the last 17,600 years in stalagmites from the B7 cave, Sauerland, Germany. This was true bubonic plague, caused by the bacterium Thanks to remarkable analysis of its genome, the history of this bacterium is now well understood. 2000. Historians might squirm at such attempts to use the past but, even if history does not repeat itself, nor come packaged into moral lessons, it can deepen our sense of what it means to be human and how fragile our societies are. Bond, G., Showers, W., Cheseby, M., Lotti, R., Almasi, P., de Menocal, P., Priore, P., Cullen, H., Hajdas, I. and Bonani, G.  1997. Guess who did well.The formula predicted rich kids would do better than poor kids who’d earned the same grades in class.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the future of the leftRising star Ocasio-Cortez’s politics provide a model for a progressive movement seeking to diversify.What makes California’s current major wildfires so unusualDry lightning, extreme heat, and Covid-19 are all shaping California’s efforts to contain massive, deadly blazes.QAnon, the scarily popular pro-Trump conspiracy theory, explainedHow a conspiracy theory got from 4chan to Trump rallies to Donald Trump himself.Andrew Yang said the smartest thing about Biden at the DNC"The magic of Joe Biden is that everything he does becomes the new reasonable." From that moment onward, maintaining Rome’s dominance along the frontiers became a greater challenge.The empire rebounded from the Antonine Plague behind the vigorous rule of an African-Syrian dynasty known as the Severans. As they migrated West, they terrified the highly developed kingdoms, such as those of the Goths, that had long existed along Rome’s frontier. One emperor after another seized the throne.The crisis is considered the “first fall” of the Roman Empire. In addition, they refuse to accept the possibility that these two prior warm periods were global in extent, claiming instead, with respect to the Medieval Warm Period, that it was a purely local phenomenon restricted to lands that surround the North Atlantic Ocean. The Roman Empire at its height stretched from the edges of Scotland to the sands of the Sahara, from the shores of the Atlantic to the hills of Syria. One insidious aspect of plague is that it does not vanish after its initial work. The effort to put climate change in the foreground of Roman history is motivated both by troves of new It turns out that climate had a major role in the rise and fall of Roman civilization. By the time of the first emperor Augustus (who ruled from 27 BC to AD 14), the Romans controlled virtually the entire Mediterranean shoreline, and they kept it for nearly half a millennium. Second, the plague led to a crackdown on Christians that backfired mightily. The empire did reemerge, but with at least two profound changes. 2002. But the centrality of nature in Rome’s fall gives us reason to reconsider the power of the physical and biological environment to tilt the fortunes of human societies.Perhaps we could come to see the Romans not so much as an ancient civilization, standing across an impassable divide from our modern age, but rather as the makers of our world today. Slight variations in the tilt, spin, and orbit of the earth change the amount and distribution of solar energy reaching its surface; the sun itself emits variable amounts of radiation; volcanoes spew ash that hangs in the upper atmosphere and reflects heat back into space. Just as the climate started to turn colder, the plague appeared on the Southern shores of the Mediterranean — in AD 541. The story of Rome, ultimately, reminds us of the fragility of human societies in the face of nature and our precarious dependence on the fickle planet that is our home. This helped push the Romans past the breaking point. They built a civilization where global networks, emerging infectious diseases and ecological instability were decisive forces in the fate of human societies. Today, greenhouse gas emissions are altering the earth’s climate at an alarming pace, but climate change is nothing new. And volcanic eruptions spew reflective sulphates into the atmosphere, sometimes with long-reaching effects. L' optimum climatique romain est une courte période de climat inhabituellement chaud en Europe et dans l' Atlantique nord, qui court d'environ 250 av. We begin this discussion by noting that the studies of Bianchi, G.G. Droughts and severe cold spells became more common. Holocene periodicity in North Atlantic climate and deep-ocean flow south of Iceland. Als Optimum der Römerzeit (auch Römische Warmzeit oder Klimaoptimum der Römerzeit) werden in verschiedenen Periodisierungen der Klimageschichte klimatische Verhältnisse in Zeiträumen bezeichnet, die einige Jahrzehnte oder Jahrhunderte vor unserer Zeitrechnung beginnen und irgendwann zwischen dem zweiten und fünften Jahrhundert unserer Zeitrechnung enden.

and Loutre, M.-F.  2003. The result was not just a year of darkness but truly staggering global cooling: The decade 536 to 545 was the coldest decade of the last 2000 years, with average summer temperatures in Europe falling by up to 2.5 degrees Celsius. Death tolls are hard to come by, but the outbreak took the life of something like 7 or 8 eight million victims.

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